
Prytania Theater Hosts Oscar-Nominated Shorts

It’s not too often that the typical moviegoer has any clue as to which short films of the past year are Oscar-bound—at least until the official announcement has been made. Just as infrequent are the chances people get to see these films, or any shorts for that matter.

Luckily, a few years ago The New Orleans Film Society began screening the shorts—albeit only one showing each.  Because of an overwhelmingly good response from New Orleans film enthusiasts, last year the beloved Prytania Theater moved to run screenings of the shorts during the week preceding the awards.  

The Prytania is reprising this decision for the 67th Academy Awards.  From Friday, February 11 through Thursday, February 17 the theater will have showings of both the live action and animated Oscar-Nominated Short Films.  The live action showings will be held daily at noon, 2pm, and 6pm (save Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday where the Classic Movie will run at its usual time); the animated showings will be held daily at 4pm and 8pm.

Check the Prytania Theater’s website for an official schedule and we’ll see you at the Oscars!

*photo credit: http://www.theprytania.com/*

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