Spotlight Nola: My Nola Soul

My Nola Soul
I have a deep love for New Orleans and always have. I saw first hand what the city and the people went through during Katrina. There are still so many places in and around our city that have been "forgotten" after Katrina and others that have almost fully recovered. I saw the changes that it made and the pain it caused all of us first hand. I wanted to find a way to continue to help and thought this would be a creative way to do so. My vision is a final product that is really creative, fashionable, and artistic.

My NOLA Soul is more than just T shirts, it's a movement. We give back with every purchase on a direct level to the community. The goal is to make people more culturally aware of what the city has to offer. Our people and culture is what makes New Orleans what it is and if we let that die, we are just like every other tourist spot. I can’t even imagine what the city would be like without it.

Charity Collaboration with My Nola Soul 
The Roots of Music, 34 Ways Foundation, The Mardi Gras Indian Museum of the Lower 9th Ward, and the Warren Easton Charter Foundation.

How Can We Get Involve
Talk to us! I am always open to seeing where we can help out in the community and I am also open to talking to local artists. We also post links to the charities that we work with on the website so that people can go directly to them, if they desire to help out and give back.

New Orleans Love
Maybe the easier question is what don’t I love about New Orleans. I have always felt that people who love this city, it becomes a part of their being. There is something so soulful about New Orleans that is sometimes hard to express because it is more of the feeling you get when you are here, it’s like stepping into another world. I love the sense of community, that you can bring your dog and your child just about anywhere, how culturally rich and steeped in tradition the city is, the food, the music, the resilience of our people, I could go on for hours and still not name everything. I have been a lot of places in this country and even though there are other popular cities out there, as a whole I don’t think they even come close to the diversity (on many levels) that New Orleans has to offer.

What's Next
We are working on a project with ZULU right now that I am very excited about and after that, the possibilities are endless! The plan is to create a design series and roll out the newer designs together moving forward. This first series is very personal to me as I have friendships and personal reasons for choosing to highlight the figures and charities in it. Each of them were very receptive to working with me and assisting me with launching the concept. We have all been very excited about the future and the possibilities in helping out the city. New Orleans has so many facets that make up our culture and I don’t honestly think it is possible to run out of inspiration.

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